Band Plans
3Y0J will always listen up (using split) so it will be useless to call us on our transmission frequency . Please be sure to double check your settings to make sure you are not calling us simplex.
Always give your full callsign. Listening is the key so sure we call you before replying.
CW MAX 15 kHz split (operators chose QRG within a certain bandwidth)
SSB MAX 30 kHz split (operators chose QRG within a certain bandwidth)
Lowest 10 kHz spectrum on regular bands NO TX to allow regular DX traffic
Lowest 5 kHz on WARC band NO TX to allow regular DX traffic
We’re aware of US band plans for E/A/G/N/T
FT8 40-10m, with focus on 20-10m yagis.
We will transmit:
100W on FT8
1500W on CW/SSB (special permit to transmit up to)
Please follow DX Code of Conduct
Station system diagram and Antennas layout
The setup consist of up to 12 stations at peak time where 8 K3s radios will be fixed to human modes SSB/CW and in addtion we will use 4 SunSDR2 DX as FT8 stations. The 4x FT8 radios can be run from one operator position, or the FT8 radios can be run from any other position individually. Hence, we can run SSB/CW simultaneously with FT8 from every operator position in simplified SO2R like mode, or one operator can run several FT8 radios in parallel from his desk.
There will be NO FT8 robots running unattended at Bouvet, all FT8 QSOs will be initiated by a human operator clicking on the deserving callers. We have a pronounced focus on human modes so to achieve the goal of 200.000 QSOs we will minimize the downtime of all radios and run the FT8 radios 24/7, this also to maximize the ATNO. We will use the S.P.E Expert amplifier and we plan bring in total 10 amplifiers and 14 radios with us. Spares and backup has a high priority in all parts in this project, e.g we will bring with us 3 x 160m antennas, 3x80m antennas and so on and have 4xtribanders 20-10m installed.
As an RX antenna system we will use the LZ1AQ RX loop which has been tested and proves to be a good tool for us in case of in-band interference or noise. This ground independent omnidirectional loop will be located roughly 250m away from the camp and each of the 8xK3S radio will have the possibility to share the signal and listen to this loop simultaneously.

160m, CW only 1500 W
1810-1820 no TX
1826.5 CW (Please note lsn UP for NA/EU and lsn DOWN for JA/VK. )
1820-1826,5-1835 CW
5351,5 to 5356 CW
5356 FT8
10100-10105 NO TX
10105-10125 CW
10131 Crozet (FT5/W)
10144 3Y0J FT8
18069-18074 NO TX
18074-18089 CW
18090 and 18107 FT8
>18120 SSB
24890-24895 NO TX
24895-24910 CW
24921 FT8
>24925 SSB
80m CW/SSB
3500-3510 NO TX
3510 and up to 3540 CW
>3600 SSB
7000-7010 NO TX
7025-7040 CW
7064 FT8
>7120 SSB
14000-14010 NO TX
14010-14040 CW
14105 FT8
14125 RTTY
>14225 SSB
21000-21010 NO TX
21010-21040 CW
21105 FT8
21125 RTTY
>21225 SSB
28000-28010 NO TX
28010 to 28040 CW
28086 FT8
>28400 SSB
