Adrian KO8SCA
Licensed since: 1990
Preferences: CW, SSB, Digital
DXpeditions: A5, ZK3, V8, TX0M/TX0A, 6O, 9M0, FJ, FM, J3, J8, VK9C, VK9X, VP5, VP9, and Z2. Recently he has been a guest operator at 4U1UN and HV0A
INDEXA Board member
Member of: NCDXF, CWops,YCCC, LIDXA, WECA, Order of Boiled Owls of NY
Cezar, VE3LYC
Licensed since: 1984 (first as YO3YC, since 1995 as VE3LYC)
Preferences: CW, SSB, Digital
Awards: DXCC Challenge 2870, IOTA 1110, VUCC 880 (5m)
DXpeditions: CE4A, CE9/VE3LYC, E51LYC, H40D, H44R, H44R/P, K7TRI, VE3LYC/KL7, LU6W, TX0A, TX0M, TX0T, TX4A, VK6ISL, VO2A, VY0/VE3LYC, VY0A, VY0M, VY0O, ZL9A
IOTA Board of Directors, Operations Manager & Deputy General Manager
Member of: CDXC, FOC #1994, RAC, RRC #506, YODXC #227

Otis, NP4G
Licensed 1997
Dxpeditions: CE0Y/NP4G, NP4G/VP9, NP4G/PJ7, A60EXPO
Contest: K3LR, NP4Z/ KP3Z
Director INDEXA, Caribbean and SA Representative
Member: Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League, ARRL, Los Chachos Contest Club

Pete, N0FW
Retired General Counsel/Of Counsel
Licensed since 1974
Preferences: CW, SSB, DIGI, Low Band enthusiast
DX-expeditions: HS0A, FO0CI, N9NS/KH5K, N0AFW/KH5, V59T, VO2EA, VO2WL, J3/N0FW, J8DX, J6/N0FW, VP2MW, N0FW/KP2, 3A/N0FW, KH8Q, PJ2/N0FW, W1AW/KH8
Member of Southern California DX Club, Southwest Ohio DX Association, INDEXA (Charter Member/Life Member), ARRL (Life Member)

Axel, DL6KVA
Licensed: 1984 (Y37RA, Y42DA from 1987 and DL6KVA from 1992)
Preferences: CW only, 160-10m
DXpeditions: 3D2KV, 4K0CW, DL6KVA/6Y5, 7QAA, D68CCC, ED9M, P29NI, P29VCX, P29VPB, RK6YYA, S21ZAS, S21ZDC, S9YY, T33A, T33KV, T30KV, VP8IDX, VP8SGI, VP8STI, XX9D, Z23MD, Contests at DA0HQ, DF0HQ, DK1A
Member of: GDXF, NCDXF, CDXC, FOC #2098, CWops #1678, HSC #1647

Mike, AB5EB
Team Member / Physician
ER Physician
Co-founder of Island Radio Expedition Foundation (IREF)
Many IOTA activations, including: NA13, H74C, NA119, NA120 N5M, NA168, NA158, NA143, NA197, NA92, NA14, NA55, NA44, NA45, NA209 H75A, NA246,NA89 K5P, NA94 CY9M, VK9AR OC-216, VK9AR/6 OC-234, NA-82 N5C

Dave, WD5COV
Licensed since: 1977
Preferences: CW, SSB, Digital - Low band enthusiast
Awards: DXCC Challenge 3042 level
DXpeditions: 3D2R, 7O6T, 3D2C, E30FB, VP8STI, VP8SGI, 9M0W, E31A, ZK3A, 5W0OV, 3D2OV, KH8/WD5COV
Memberships: Life member of ARRL and INDEXA. NCDXF supporter
Peter, FTx Op and Crew
Experienced captain and expedition leader with huge experience from offshore sailing, sailing in remote polar uncharted areas and specializes in supporting some of the most complex expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctica.
He is experienced in safety evacuation procedures, MOB maneuver in cold water, beach landings in difficult locations and he is an experienced zodiac operator that will be based in Norway.
He will be heading up the zodiac landing at Bouvet.
Honorary Team Members

(1928 -2018)
John participated in Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) research activity in Antarctica as well as The Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1956–60 where he later was honored with the The Antarctic Medal. Queen Maud Land in Antarctica is one of two territories claimed by Norway, the other one is Peter 1st island. A glacier called "Snuggerudbreen" in Queen Maud Land has been named after John. He was a radio technician & telegraphist. John operated from Bouvet island twice as 3Y1VC in 1977 and 1979. The 1977 operation counted 27 QSOs and is the first approved operation from Bouvet. He returned to Bouvet island in 1979 where he did research amongst other on "Analysis on wave measurements at Bouvetøya". He made 1930 contacts during that stay on Bouvet.

Dr. Charles E. Brady Jr. N4BQW (SK)
(1951 -2006)
Chuck was an American physician, a Captain in the United States Navy and a NASA astronaut. He spent 16 days in space on the Space Shuttle's STS-78 flight in 1996. In addition to activating Bouvet Island 2000/2001 as 3Y0C, some of his other operations were from Johnston Island, Kure Island, Palmyra and Jarvis Island, Midway Island, Wake Island, Baker and Howland Island and Kingman Reef.